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Terms and Conditions 



This website is a property of The Eventalists, a  registered company located in Cyprus. The terms and conditions will be applied fully and affect your use of this website.  By using this website, you agree to accept all terms and conditions written herein. As the terms and conditions are subject to review from time to time without any prior information, we suggest that you read this section prior to using the website every time you visit it. 


Intellectual Property Rights:

Under these Terms, of The Eventalists and/or its licensors own all the intellectual property rights and materials contained in the Website. You are granted limited license only for the purpose of viewing the material contained on this website.  


No warranties:

This website and any content contained herein are provided as is and the Company does not express any representations or warranties, of any kind related to the website or the materials contained on it.  The content of the website does not form an advise and any material is solely placed for informative purposes, without undertaking any responsibility as to the accuracy of the information provided at any given time after its publication. 


Limitation of liability

In no event shall the Company, its employees or representatives, be held liable for anything arising out of or in any way connected with your use of this Website, for any indirect, consequential or special liability arising out of or in any way related to your use of this Website. 


GDPR  & Personal Data 

We do not collect or store any information relative to your visiting our website, via cookies or any other filters.  If we do ask of you to submit personal information, this will be limited to your name and your email. These contact details will solely be used to contact you so as to inform you about future activities we may organise as a company.  Your personal date will not be transferred or handed to any third parties, either directly or indirectly associated to our legal entity.  



Our website contains hyperlinks, email address and contact details of our company and our associated companies, however no data collection is made through these links either.  Hyperlinks leading to other websites may contain different data protection policies hence you are prompted to read and inform yourselves regarding their policies. 


©2022 by The Eventalists Cyprus.

All rights reserved.

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